Meet the team • Jozo

meet the team_jozo
Every day, I learn something new. Every day, Nonam inspires me to further develop myself as a chef. Meet Jozo, our young chef from Croatia who feels completely in his element with us.

From Croatia to Ghent... how did that happen exactly?  

Before I started working here, I had already travelled around to gain experience. Then I came across Nonam. The photos I saw online gave me a sense of top quality and fine dining, but with a twist. Playful dishes, surprising combinations... I was immediately inspired, even before I set foot inside.  


A diverse flavour palette. We work with different textures, and creativity is key. Karel dares to give a playful twist to a classic dish... it's fantastic! Moreover, you also have a say and as a chef, you can contribute ideas. Every 6 weeks, we change the menu, both in the restaurant and in the gastrobar. This way, as a chef, you also have a lot of variety in mise-en-place and presentation.  

Was it difficult to become part of the team?  

Not at all. There's no language barrier because we speak English on the floor. Respect describes the team for me. Even when we disagree, we talk to each other and find a solution. As a team, we're growing closer and we understand each other. Before, during, and after service.  

How would you describe Nonam's kitchen in three words?  

Unexpected, playful, exciting  

What do you like making at home?   

I'm completely addicted to peanut butter, in all sorts of combinations. I start my day with oatmeal, peanut butter, and... vanilla ice cream. It might sound strange, but I recommend it to everyone.   

What's your favourite team activity?  

Our sailing trip. I came back completely zen.  

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