So much more than a student job 

Moira studies educational sciences and regularly works as a student at Nonam. For her this is the ideal variation in between studying, and for us the perfect addition to our team. So, a win-win situation. Why would you choose Nonam as a student? We asked Moira herself and she quickly came back with 5 good reasons.

Always together, never alone

My mom used to run a bed & breakfast, so I already had some hospitality experience. But in my opinion, that's not really necessary because you get really good guidance here. A healthy dose of stress on your first day is normal, but it disappears like snow in the sun. Your colleagues take care of that. The atmosphere and collegiality felt good to me right away, which makes working at Nonam extra pleasant. 

Never a dull moment  

With many student jobs you get one specific task, like being behind the bar or being a runner, which you repeat endlessly. That quickly becomes boring. At Nonam, it's different. As a student you get to do many different things: work in the bar, guide customers through the sharing concept of the gastrobar, or rotate in the restaurant where you serve dishes and have a lot of customer contact. I recently worked three full days at the Patersholfeesten: it was intense 😊 but great!  

You grow in the job 

As a student, of course you work to earn some extra money, but I also just love doing it. What really makes the difference for me is the responsibility you get. I started in the bar, but now I'm fully involved in the team. There is also no sense of hierarchy between the permanent staff and the students. No one looks down on you. It really is a one-team mentality: we work together and together we provide the best experience for our guests.  

With an eye for detail and quality 

Ik kijk vaak mee achter de schermen en zie de passie waarmee de chefs hun gerechten bereiden. Alles gebeurt met veel respect en aandacht voor kwaliteit, en dat vind ik belangrijk. En niet onbelangrijk: de klanten genieten echt van het eten. Het is altijd leuk om die positieve feedback te krijgen en te delen met het team. En die versgebakken madeleintjes… fingerlicking, echt waar!  

More than a workplace 

Last but not least, Nonam is more than just a workplace for me. I have truly made friends here with whom I now hang out often. At Nonam, there is a clear investment in team atmosphere. For example, we have dinner with everyone at 6 p.m. before we start work. On Saturday night, after we finish everything, we have a drink together or go out in Ghent. Every year there is also a team building where students and flexis are also welcome. By doing something together in a different context, colleagues really become friends.  

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